In this blog we are going to talk about the Port of Valencia's environmental programmes, as we believe that the environment is too important an issue to ignore at the moment. The port of Valencia has many future environmental projects, and also has a track record with regard to the environment. In the blog we will look at the different issues and problems that the port of Valencia is focusing on, section by section, we will also look at part of its track record and most importantly, the zero emissions project for 2030.
All port activity, aimed at commercial and economic growth, is regulated by the APV's Environmental and Energy Policy, which sets out the general environmental principles and continuous improvement to ensure that the port's activity is respectful of the environment.
The APV carries out actions to:
- Daily cleaning of the water mirror with a pelican-type boat.
- Periodic studies to monitor water quality, in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.
- The APV has an Inland Emergency Plan and a Contingency Plan, in addition to the plans of the different concessions, to combat pollution caused by oil spills.
The Port Authority of Valencia monitors and controls the quality of the water in its ports with the following actions:
The APV has an Inland Emergency Plan and a Contingency Plan, in addition to the respective Emergency Plans of the various port concessions, to combat oil spill pollution.
The Port Authority of Valencia monitors air quality through an Air Quality Control Network consisting of:
- Air quality control booths, with sensors in accordance with the standard of the Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT).
- Three meteorological stations.
- Two particle samplers.
- Computer tools that integrate and manage the data in real time.
The Port Authority of Valencia monitors and controls noise emissions from the port environment, for which it has:
Predictive noise maps to assess expected noise levels.
Static maps of the three ports which provide an empirical measure of noise.
A network of sound level meters that measure in real time in the area between the ports and the city.
The Port Authority of Valencia carries out dredging and maintenance work to ensure accessibility and maneuverability.
These actions are carried out using a rigorous procedure that minimizes environmental impact and with specially designed machinery.
The Port Authority of Valencia guarantees the correct management of the waste generated by the activity of concessionary companies and ships in the port facilities.
For the management of this waste, the Port Authority of Valencia has:
Selective collection containers.
Hazardous waste collection point.
Waste Transfer Centre (W.T.C.).
MARPOL waste collection and treatment plant, whose service is provided by authorised external companies.
The APV, through the Ecoport II project, has promoted the participation of the companies in the port community in initiatives to improve environmental performance, as demonstrated by the fact that nearly 80% of the companies in the ports managed by the APV have implemented a certified environmental management system based on the ISO 14001 or EMAS standard. Furthermore, the companies in the Ecoport II group voluntarily establish annual efficiency objectives in environmental management with a high level of compliance.
2017: Although events have been held in the past to celebrate World Environment Day, this is the first year that an exhibition of environmental protection actions is being held.
2018: In this second edition, 8 companies from the port community joined the APV in its aim to show the public the improvements made one more year. Visits are increasing, and so is the participation of the companies.
2019: On this occasion, the participation is massive, reaching a total of 20 companies between participants and collaborators. The exhibition space is occupied almost entirely by a labyrinth of panels and a central model of the 3 ports that make up the APV.
2020: Just a few weeks before the opening, and due to the pandemic caused by the COVID19 virus, the exhibition was quickly transformed into a virtual scenario for a visit to the El Reloj building itself, where each of the participating companies had its own space in which to display environmental information.
As part of its strategic management plan, the VALENCIA PORT AUTHORITY has set itself the strategic objective of being energy self-sufficient by 2030, as well as aiming to be a "zero emissions" port by 2030 and thus be two decades ahead of the requirements of the regulations. "emissions" in the year 2030 and thus be two decades ahead of the requirements of European and international regulations. European and international regulations.
The methodology used in the preparation of this project is that of STRATEGIC PLANNING, that is to say, it is going to be established a that is to say, it is going to establish a:
Consumption analysis.
Analysis of emissions.
Analysis of existing and future technologies.
· Mission and vision:
- Definition of the mission and vision of the Zero Emissions Plan as a whole.
- Definition of mission and vision for each sector.
· Strategic lines:
- Plan to achieve the zero net emissions mission in Valenciaport by 2030 by acting on strategic lines.
· Strategic objectives:
- Specific strategic objectives to be achieved.
· Initiatives of the action plan:
- Initiatives to be implemented to achieve the attainment of the strategic objetives.
· Control and monitoring:
- Monitoring, control and strategic reorientation.
Many action plans are already underway.
Installation of a 132 KV electricity substation, as a preliminary step for the supply of electricity to ships.
Use of LNG in ships.
Use of hydrogen in port machinery.
Environmental bonuses.
Renewal of hybrid/electric vehicle fleet.
Use of LED technology in lighting both in buildings and on public roads.
Use of renewable energies, mainly wind and photovoltaic.
Promotion of the circular economy.
It is important to address the concept of environmental sustainability in its broad conception.
Natural resources must be conserved and controlled.
The interactions of our activity on the environment must be controlled and monitored, continuously.
Energy is a very important resource in ports.
We have to implement renewable energies in the ports.
We have to implement actions towards decarbonisation of ports and reduction of emissions.
Innovation and technology (ports 4.0) and digital advances must be promoted in order to achieve our great objective: "ZERO EMISSIONS PORT".
We believe that the port of Valencia in general, during the time it has been committed to the environment, has done quite well, meeting the objectives it has set itself and working hard to meet the current objectives. Without doubt, the most important project it currently has with regard to the environment is that of zero emissions by 2030, a very ambitious project that aims to be two decades ahead of what is required by European and international regulations, a project that the port of Valencia will be able to meet if it continues to work as it is already doing, meeting the small objectives it has set itself as a port. If they manage to achieve this objective, the port of Valencia will undoubtedly become an example for other ports in other countries, if it is not already one.
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