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With this blog we try to raise awareness of how important the environment is and how by technologically improving the port with solar energy, water purification and air decarbonization, some objectives can be achieved for the future of a totally pollution-free that provides renewable energy and that also offers new opportunities for consumers.


High impact climate entrepreneurship: the perfect partnership for the port of Valencia's path to zero net emissions.

On June 26, 2020, the Valenciaport Foundation, in collaboration with the Port Authority of Valencia, launched 2 specific challenges in the open offer of the EIT Clima-KIC Accelerator, to co-finance 2 Start-ups aimed at optimizing sustainability in logistics - port area in the various stages of the aforementioned acceleration programme.

For the pilot project of the port of Valencia, the solar roadway was placed in the north quay of the port of Valencia, connected with photovoltaic modules and cabling to bring energy to the network.

 This pioneering pilot project in the port area provides a creative solution in the context of sustainability in the maritime-port area, and makes it possible to test the production of electrical energy in the weather conditions of the ports, exposed to the effects of salinity and other components.


The role of air quality monitoring and control networks.

The networks for monitoring and controlling the quality of the wind are the backbone on which the environmental administration of the various member states of the European Alliance Environment is located, the operation of which has a strong normative support.

The Valencia Network for Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring and Control, operating since the 1990s, was officially established by Decree 161/2003 of the Valencia Council. Urban environments are complex scenarios subject to severe pollution situations affecting large numbers of people, with emissions being introduced into a space severely restricted by buildings. The situation of the city of Valencia is complicated because it is close to a very active port, a source of pollution of a completely different nature that regularly adds to urban areas, contributing to an increase in the level of pollution that residents have to deal with with contact.


Environmental management in the armas - Transmediterránea Group.

Naviera Armas and Trasmediterránea, a leading Spanish shipping group and one of the most important in Europe for the transport of passengers and goods by sea, is one of the strategic priorities of the company. The company is responsible for the environment. To achieve good environmental performance, management promotes the effective implementation of its own environmental management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 14001:2015, covering all ships and headquarters of different shipping companies, the main objective is to make full use of the available resources and minimize the impact on the environment.

The measures established in our terminals to achieve the environmental objectives proposed in the Group’s EMS and those acquired with the APV include actions such as the installation of LED lighting in port operating areas, installation of state-of-the-art coolers, replacement of gas boilers with a system of wall-mounted condensing boilers connected in cascade with an evacuation system for condensed fumes, etc.

Actions taken within our fleet to achieve the environmental goals set out in the Group's Environmental Management System include the use of coatings based on the latest fluoropolymer and/or technology or silicon to reduce CO2 emissions, install exhaust cleaning systems, etc. such as installing propellers and more efficient systems such as rudder balls, assembling a ship-to-port electrical connection system according to port instructions, customizing and preparing the ship's cargo hold for permission to provide electrical connection / charging point, etc. . for electric touring car, etc.

In line with this strategy, the group joined the No Plastic project promoted by APV as part of Ecoport.


The Port Authority of Valencia monitors and controls the water quality of its ports through: Daily cleaning of the water surface with a pelican-type craft, Regular analyses to monitor water quality in line with Water Framework Directive requirements, An internal emergency plan and contingency plan, in addition to different concession plans, to combat pollution caused by hydrocarbon spills.

The PAV has an Internal Emergency Plan and a Contingency Plan, plus the corresponding Emergencies Plans of all port concessions, to combat pollution caused by hydrocarbon spills.


PAV monitors air quality through an air quality control network consisting of: an air quality control room equipped with CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environment and Technology) compliant sensors, three weather stations, two particle collectors, computer tools Organize and manage data in real time.

PAV monitors and controls noise emissions generated in the port environment through: forecast noise maps to assess expected noise levels, static port maps to provide experimental noise measurements, machine Sound level meters are installed at the port city junction to measure the actual noise time.

PAV performs maintenance dredging to ensure accessibility and movement upon entry. This dredging is done using specially designed equipment and follows strict procedures to minimize the impact on the environment.

The Valencia Port Authority manages waste generated by ships and their assignors in port facilities. PAV manages waste through: different waste containers for separate collection, hazardous waste collection points, waste transfer centers, oil residues and waste from the above collection and treatment options. ship. Service provided by an external company

Ongoing staff training was also carried out as part of the ECOPORT II project, under which PAV carried out information campaigns aimed at the port community, in order to achieve maximum synergy in the application of its environmental policy.


PAV also collaborates with other ports and European organizations to develop standards and environmental protection measures for all ports.


At present, the PAV is participating in the following R&D&I projects in the environmental sphere:

CORE LNG AS HIVE PROJECT: Core Network Corridors and Liquefied Natural Gas, financed by the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility). (2014)


SBE H2PORTS PROJECT: Implementing Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technologies in Ports, financed by the H2020 programme through Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).  (2019)

GREEN-C-PORTS PROJECT: Green and Connected Ports, financed by the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).  (2019)

PROYECTO ECCLIPSE: Assessment of Climate Change in the Ports of South West Europe, co-financed by the European Commission through the Interreg V-B South West Europe Programme (Interreg SUDOE). (2019)

EALING – OPS PROJECT: European flagship action for cold ironing in ports, co-financed by the EU Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) (2020)


From 1998, the PAV has participated in a number of different R&D&I projects in the environmental facility, including:

  • ECOPORT PROJECT: Towards an Environmentally Friendly Port Community. (1998).

  • INDAPORT PROJECT:  Environmental Indicators for Ports System. (2000).

  • HADA PROJECT: Automatic Environmental Diagnostics Tool. (2002).

  • ECOPORT PROJECT: Information Exchange and Impact Assessment for Enhanced Environmental-Conscious Operations in European Ports and other Terminals. (2002).

  • SECUR MED: Interregional and transnational vision of maritime security and defence of the environment in the Western Mediterranean. (2004).

  • MADAMA: Risk management for dangerous goods traffic in the Mediterranean. (2005).

  • NoMEPorts; Noise Management in the European ports. (2005).

  • SIMPYC: Port and City Environmental Integration System (2005).

  • ELEFSINA BAY 2020: Port-city collaboration for environmental regeneration. (2007).

  • Improvement of the Environmental Management in the ports of the Gulf of Honduras. (2008).

  • ECO-LOGISTYPORT: Environmental Training for. Port and Logistics SMEs in the Valencian Region. (2008).

  • FICONT: Energy Efficiency in Container Port Terminals. (2009).

  • CLIMEPORT: Contribution of Mediterranean ports to combat the effects of climate change. (2009).

  • GREEN CRANES: Green Technologies and Eco-Efficient. (2012).

  • GREENBERTH: Promotion of Port Communities SMEs role in Energy Efficiency and GREEN technologies for BERTHING operations. (2013).

  • MONALISA 2.0 PROJECT: Securing the Chain by Intelligence at Sea. (2013).

  • SEA TERMINALS PROJECT: Smart, Energy Efficient and Adaptive Port Terminals. (2014).CORE LNGAS HIVE PROJECT Core Network Corridors and Liquefied Natural Gas. (2014).

  • GAINN4SHIP INNOVATION PROJECT: LNG Technologies and Innovation for Maritime Transport. (2015).

  • GAINN4MOS PROJECT Sustainable LNG Operations for Ports and Shipping – Innovative Pilot Actions. (2015).

    If you are a company related to activities that depend on the port of Valencia and are interested in investing in any of the solutions mentioned projects or want to propose a new project please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember that the benefit of the port is the benefit of all.

    Video about The Challenges of Valencia Port in the Energy Transition



    Environmental policy. (2021). Valenciaport.


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Valencia Port

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